On May 15, 3 Zodiac Signs Find Happiness After Overcoming Problems

On May 15, we'll have the Moon trine Mercury in Taurus, which will make three zodiac signs feel no longer threatened by what once stood in their way.

This is the right time to overcome problems and realize that what we've gone through is permanent.This happens when Moon trine Mercury in Taurus.

Taurus energy gives us stoicism and helps us see past our issues. Additionally, Mercury's lunar touch may make us feel like we've worked it out

We know we'll never go back. Today, we are powerful and persistent.

Gemini, and as Taurus energy makes its last blast in your life before Gemini season starts to kick in, you're going to find that that heavy load you've been carrying around for years is now, *poof* — gone.

1. Gemini

This 'big' deal is positive and liberating and you, Libra, will know that your time has come during Moon trine Mercury in Taurus.

2. Libra

Here's a day that promises you a way out of the darkness you've built for yourself, Pisces. While you aren't always in a tough spot, on occasion, you get yourself into a mindset that simply won't let go.

3. Pisces

One good feeling leads to the next, and before you know it, you're downright HAPPY. That's your reward, Pisces. You created this situation.
